Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. For those of your unfamiliar with the idea, Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections and reveal a few moments we'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to
join in and do the same thing!
Too many things happened this week for me
not to post a Not Me :) Enjoy!
First off, after seeing this adorable indoor violet-wine-glass masterpiece on designsponge, I surely didn't get inspired to recreate the look. Upon attempting and failing miserably, I did not decide to go ahead and display them in our living room anyways. I would not be so stubborn as to decorate with wilted, dying weeds just so that I wouldn't have to admit that I couldn't recreate the look. Oh, and said decor would not still be upstairs as we speak, even more wilt-y and dead. Not me!!
And it wasn't me that you could have found camped out in the laundry room all weekend. There is no way that 2 people could possibly let laundry get out of hand to the point of needing to do 11 loads just to catch up. Seriously, that's disgusting. These are not my piles of laundry spread out around the basement floor!
And, if I did happen to have had some laundry to do, I would have checked to make sure that I had enough laundry detergent to do all of the loads. So, it definitely wasn't me who only made it through 2 loads before realizing that we were completely tapped dry on soap. I am always prepared and never get in over my head. Ugh, not me :)

Furthermore, had I realized that I was out of soap, I definitely would not have decided to make some soap (That's right, you read correctly, make some soap) instead of driving the mile to the nearest Walgreens and picking some up. Nope, I would not have searched recipes online and found one that I happened to have all the ingredients for. So of course it wasn't me who spent 45 minutes making detergent and (in the process of grating the bar soap) cut my hand numerous times with the zester. I would not have gone through all of this when the Walgreens is seriously minutes away. Not me!!

And to top it all off, while at church yesterday, it was not me who, after quickly teaching the preschool church lesson, let the kids get out the box of "Musical Instruments." I did not let them go hog wild, oh and I certainly did NOT join in. I would never grab a set of castanets and march right along side 6 screaming kids while there were other classes going on around me. Not me, seriously, not me...
So, tell me please, what did you not do this week?