Friday, January 31, 2014

BE Print Shop + Giveaway

+++ a little hint: read all the way to the end (or scroll down if you're impatient) because there is giveaway info AND a coupon code +++

So, the BE Print Shop is now live. 

When you check out the new BE Print Shop, this will be the first print that you see. This is the heartbeat behind all our new designs. We pray that these prints would be more than pretty art.  

We pray that these prints encourage + inspire the young hearts in your lives to be exactly who they were created to be. 

We, as parents, have to be intentional. 

I designed this next set of prints specifically for my son, Ellis. When you read books on parenting, he falls into what they so kindly call the "free spirits"...which we all know is just a nice way of saying "wild child".  He may be wild + crazy but he has the biggest heart.  He is so full of joy that he radiates a room with his laughter.  His eyes are so full of life.  But I know it's a scary world.  And I know how easily that childhood innocence can be stripped away.  My prayer for him is to "be brave, dream big, and soar high, little one." 

...And I'd love it if you prayed it over your kids as well.  So, I've giving away this set of "Little One" prints.  Along with my favorite pair of earrings from my friend Ashley, over at The Poppy Chain. (because who doesn't love an amazing pair of earrings?!)


If you stuck with me this long, you can now head on over to the BE Print Shop to see all of our new prints! 

Oh, and all prints are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE through Sunday at Midnight with code: BUY1GET1!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Late Christmas Post + Another shop sneak peek!

I hate ruining surprises. I was never the kid who snooped for Christmas gifts. I really love the surprise of Christmas morning.

But I do like little sneak peeks. I love getting hints and little clues and trying to figure out the big picture. 

For those of you like me, here's a little peek at the new shop look.
Want just a little more...? Head over to the @Thrive_Moms Instagram! Their Wednesday giveaway features one of my new BE Shop Prints! Go check it out!

And don't forget!  The shop will be open this friday!  Make sure to follow @klthrock on IG for updates, discount codes, + to enter our giveaway!  One winner will receive 10 free prints!!


And speaking of Christmas, here are a few (very) late pictures from our Christmas. I tend to over-photograph the everyday, and completely forget to take photos of big life Christmas. Part of me hates it, but most of me loves that I just put the camera down and make memories.  Here's what I did capture:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Apology to working dads...

This is an apology.

From all moms to working dads...

We are sorry.
We are sorry for the mess.
We are so sorry for the clutter.

We are so very sorry for the dirt and crayon and paint.  The cheerios mashed in the cracks of the hardwood floors.  The playdoh that stained the kitchen table.

The dishes all over the kitchen when you get home.
The living room that looks like a tornado.
The piles of laundry that don't seem to ever get smaller.
That spotless house that you left behind when we decided to have kids.

We really are sorry for this mess.
But its not about the actual mess.

See, what we really are sorry about is that you don't get to see it.  We are sorry that you miss the mess.  We are sorry that you don't get to experience the memories behind that mess.


I really am sorry that you weren't there to celebrate that Ellis learned to drink from a cup for the first time.  All you saw was the water on the floor from the 85 times he did it wrong.

I truly am sorry that you missed the time that he made the connection between the block and the right hole that it goes into.  All you see is the 300 blocks on the ground.

Im sorry that you missed the amazing game of "stop!" Go!" that we played for at least 30 minutes.  All you see is the destruction that came of all the running and stopping and dancing and laughing.

I hate that you missed bath time.  Sis loved the water and she just giggled at her brother the entire time.  He kept pointing and saying "sis" "sis!" and it was really really cute until he pooped in the bathtub for the 800th time and we had to get out in a hurry which left the mess of towels and clothes and toys all over the bathroom that you found.

I'm sorry that you missed the impromptu dance party right after lunch.  The one that included pants on our heads and making an absolute fool of myself all to get a grouchy toddler to stop crying...all you saw was the highchair still covered in food when you came home for lunch.

Mostly I'm sorry that you see piles of unfinished laundry when I see an afternoon of snuggles from a baby girl that just wanted her mama.

I am sorry.  I really am.  Because I know you would love to be there.  I know that you want to be a part of these memories.  And I know it's hard for you to understand when you come home from a long day at work.

Please know this:
I appreciate you.
I appreciate what you do so that I can be there.  So that I can make the mess with our kids.

Moms...lets promise to start telling more of the stories.  Because your husbands weren't there.  And all they see is the mess.

...and it's so much more than just mess.



Just another reminder that the new BE Print Shop will be open this friday with a big reopening SALE!

And make sure to enter our giveaway on IG (@klthrock) lucky winner will win 10 free prints!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fifty Two Pages | Jan 20 - Jan 26

It's Monday...which means it's time for #fiftytwopages!
It's time to collect your favorite photos, make your collage, and share it with the rest of the #fiftytwopages community!

If you are joining us for the first time, click here for full info and details.

Olive turned 3 months old this week.  Insane.  I geared up on Thursday to take her monthly photos, and just when O was making the cutest happened.  
"Cannot save photo, you have no storage available"

Have you been there? I have so many pictures and videos on my phone that I couldn't even save one more photo.  I missed the moment.  The only silver lining is that it made me get my real camera out and in return got some pretty awesome photos that I couldn't have captured with my phone.  

Does this happen to you?

Do you have so many photos on your phone that you are overwhelmed and even out of space?  Do you just dump them onto a hard drive and hope that you will do something with them some day?

This is where #fiftytwopages can help.  :)  I still dumped all 1700 photos onto my computer (because I am a crazy photo hoarder) but I knew that my absolute favorite pictures had already been used.  I knew that they weren't going to just get lost in a folder on a computer.  They were in a collage, saved on my computer, ready to print into a book later on.  It took the guilt away from all the picture hoarding.  

Maybe next time I'll work on paring it down a little.  Maybe :)

Here's my #fiftytwopage collage for the week:

Would you share yours?  
Link up over on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the tag #fiftytwopages!



Just a little reminder that the new BE Print Shop will be open this friday with a big reopening SALE!

And make sure to enter our giveaway on lucky winner will win 10 free digital prints!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Olive Ruth | 3 Months

Weight: 12lb 12oz (est)

Length: 22 inches long (est)

Likes: You love to smile.  Seriously girl, you are a cheeser.  We love it.  All we have to do is make eye contact and you get the sweetest little bashful grin.  You are going to drive those boys crazy some day.

You love your bumbo.  You can hold your head up like a champ now and can join us for dinner at the table now!

You also love to suck on your fingers.  You just discovered them not too long ago but it was love at first lick.  You almost prefer your hands to your paci, but can't figure out how to get those fingers to stay in your mouth.

Dislikes:  You are not a fan of tummy time.  You don't freak out, but you just don't do it.  You lay your head down in complete disapproval almost immediately.  We've tried rolling up towels under your arms and putting you on the boppy and you just don't want anything to do with it.

Speaking of loving your fingers, you are starting to get pretty hacked off when we swaddle your arms down at night.  It really does help you sleep better, but for the first few minutes you don't agree.


You fooled mama by sleeping through the night for about 4 days in a row.  Just long enough for her to get used to her sleep again.  Then you decided that was no longer fun.  We can't complain because we know it could be much worse, but you are now back to getting up around 3-4 to eat.  We are going to try and up your feedings during the day to see if that makes any difference.  

You eat 5.5 ounces every 3 hours all day.  You love to eat.  You know exactly when it's been 3 hours and let everyone know that it's time to drop everything they are doing and feed you.

You can sit up in your bumbo very well.  And you even can sit up on the floor or table with a little assistance.  You can hold your head up with no problem for quite a while!

You have started to find your voice.  You have the sweetest little coo when we say hello.  It's like you are saying hi back.

You aren't rolling yet.  Probably because every time we try and put you on the floor your brother tries to use you as a chair.


We celebrated Christmas as a family of 4 this year.  You had a great time sleeping in the swing while your brother torn open all the gifts.  Even ones that weren't his.  It was a great day :)  I'm sure you will be a little more aware next year.  But you did love all the attention from family!

You took your first train ride!  Your dad and I took you along with us to a staff retreat up in Chicago.  You were awesome the whole time we were there, no trouble at all.  You even spent a full day with your Aunt Sarah and Uncle Yianni while mom and dad got to go shopping and out to dinner kid-free.

Fun Fact:

We now have 2 babies in cloth diapers.  We started you a little earlier than your brother, but that's probably because we are more comfortable with them this time around.

Also, you totally rock the jeggings.  Cutest little lady in jeggings we've ever seen. 

Happy 3 months little lady!


You can check out Ellis' 3 month post here!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shop news + a sad little eye.

Hi friends.

This post was supposed to be finished this morning.  But then this happened:

My baby's first big fall.  Don't get me wrong, he falls A LOT.  But this was the first one that left him with a battle wound and broke this mama's heart.  I mean look at him.  That eye.  We had it checked out and thankfully there are no stitches necessary.  He was up, running, and acting like nothing happened within minutes.  He's one tough little dude.

Okay, moving on :)


Shop news.

It's been a while since I gave a little shop update.  So, I figured it was about time!

I have taken all handmade products out of the shop.

My focus for 2014 is prints.  Kid & Nursery prints to be exact.  I toddled with this last year, but really wanted to put all my eggs in one basket.  My heart behind these prints is to create modern designs that inspire and encourage the little ones in our lives.  I plan to interweave encouragement and scripture into the designs all while keeping them young and fun for a kid's room.

I need a little time to put on some finishing the shop will reopen next friday (January 31st!) --- mark your calendars!

But I'm a sucker for spoiling'll give you just a little peak.
(since you're begging me and all...)


And lastly, who doesn't like a giveaway?

Go follow me on Instagram (@klthrock) and I will be announcing a fun little giveaway sometime tomorrow!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fifty Two Pages | Jan 13 - Jan 19

It's Monday...which means it's time for #fiftytwopages!
It's time to collect your favorite photos, make your collage, and share it with the rest of the #fiftytwopages community!

If you are joining us for the first time, click here for full info and details.

I love that my book is starting to come together.  I am starting to see life behind the pages, not just little collages.  Those who started along side me back in October are on week 12!  For those who started at the new year, this is week 3.  

Keep on keeping on!  You can do this.  
I know a year long project can be daunting, but just take it one step at a time!

Here's my page for the week: Jan 13 - Jan 19

We had some play dates and a movie night.  And I finally remembered to take a picture (bottom right) of Miss O's favorite sleeping position.  

It's your turn to share you collage --- Tag #fiftytwopages on IG, twitter, and/or Facebook to join along!

You can follow me at @klthrock on all three!

Will you join us?  You won't regret it!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

This little dude.

Coming off of my last post, I wanted to make one thing clear...

I am absolutely crazy about this little dude.
His messy clothes.  His wild hair.  His goofy smile.  He melts me.

He made me a mom.  And I look at him daily and thank God for him.

Looking through my phone I found these pictures from the other day.  A seasonably warm January day.  We had just gotten home from church.  Olive was inside sleeping and Bryan had a lunch meeting.  It was just me and him.  A mama and her boy.

It was nap time.  He hadn't even eaten lunch.  But I know my son.  I know his heart.  I know what he needs.  And it's been a long, cold winter around here.

He needed to be outside.  He needed the sun.  He needed to run.
...and I needed to see him in his element.  Pure joy.

It was good for both of our hearts.

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