You know it's been too long since you last blogged when you get a spam comment. Those crazies love abandoned blogs...I'm sorry I neglected you blog...
Anyways, I have a few updates. I promise my whole life doesn't revolve around redecorating my house. Actually, I rarely have time to do it, thus the lack of blog updates. However, since I don't have cute kids yet or insanely inspirational things to say, decor is about all I can muster up to write about. If it bothers you, I dare you not to keep reading...
Finally finished the's the whole project. I guess I could write a post about how I refinished it. But I'm not convinced anyone really even reads this...sooo...if that's something you would be interested in, speak up
(aka: comment, please, so I know I'm not alone here)

I snagged this shelf at a garage sale for $3. And made the flowers in the pot. A little much? Maybe...but I will live with it for a while and see. Bryan said they look like paper flowers. Well they are. Get over it.
And this little guy Bryan and I picked up at a little stand on the side of the road driving back from Petersburg one night. All it took was a little windex and elbow grease. No paint or anything! :) Not a great pic but this thing is huge and since I've lived in this house for almost 17 months without a full length mirror
I'd say it's about time and well worth the $5.
And in other news...
(because I don't think you really believe me that there is more going on in my life than painting furniture)
I've been editing pics from prom night, working on lots of graphic design projects (including wedding invites for my newest engaged friend :)- miss Jessica Moss!!! yee!), making homemade jam (just call me Betty Crocker), dreaming up new ways to make a little extra mulah to fund my new JCrew obsession, watching Friends like its my job, working out for 3 days strong, and apparently perfecting the art of run-on sentences.
and that's all she wrote...