Small victories. That's what we celebrate around here. And guys, this cause for celebration!
Ellis ate puffs! ...and didn't throw up!
For a kid who throws up eating oatmeal, this is huge.
Good job little dude, mama is so proud... (and I'd say you're pretty proud of yourself, too!)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
{ 9 Months }
Weight: 19 lbs 2 oz
Length: 31 in
(Your stats didn't change...)

Likes: Peek a boo! We say "where's Ellis?" and you stop everything to put your head down and "hide" and then pop up to say "there he is!" You think it's hilarious. You are right. You also have started paying attention to the TV. You really like Bob The Builder. It only holds your attention for about 5 minutes, but if it gets you to sit still for 5 minutes, we will take it! You also love Stanley. You get so excited when you see him walk by and want to "pat pat" him all the time!

Dislikes: Getting your diaper changed. Getting your clothes changed. Pretty much anything that makes you sit still. You don't like to stay in one place. You don't like your new carseat either. Once you are in and settled, its okay, but getting you in and settled is not easy. Again, I think it's being you are being forced to be still for a moment.

Milestones: We have a crawler!! You have quickly gone from "scooting" around to full out crawling. And crawling FAST! On the hardwood you do more of an army crawl but as soon as you get on the carpet you get those knees up under you. It's pretty fun to watch you learn and explore.

You are also pulling up on things. The problem is that you don't hold on. You pull up and then just rest yourself against the object. And you have no balance at all, so as soon as you pull up and let go, you fall. I see lots of bumps and bruises in your future. Your dad says that is what comes with being a boy.

Still eating only purees. We do yogurt bites on occasion, but they are so hit or miss that we don't risk it very often. Puffs are a big no no. We are attempting to thicken up your food, but it's really not working well.
Naps are still great! Sleeping at night however, is not so much. For the past 2-3 weeks you have been up at least once a night. You can go back to sleeping through the night anytime you'd like :)
The best news of the month...No more helmet!! You graduated from the helmet on New Years Eve. You were down to 8mm and your dad and I decided that it was time to be done! You had outgrown the helmet and they were going to have to make a new one and start over. The Drs agreed that your head looked amazing and there was no reason to start a new helmet! It's been off for about 3 weeks now and I feel like it was an eternity ago. This could be another reason why your night sleep has been worse, but we will get through it.

Firsts: You (FINALLY) got your first tooth! It popped through on Dec 21st and as of January 20th, you were still working on it. That's right, still working on one tooth! It keeps getting bigger. And no more even are looking like they will come through soon. This teething thing is not going to be fun.
Christmas! Your first Christmas was definitely a fun experience. You obviously didn't understand everything going on, but you knew that there were lots of people to play with and lots of pretty paper to eat. We had "Christmas" at Grandpa Hay's house on Christmas Eve...complete with a visit from Santa! Christmas morning we were home with Grandma Lisa and Aunt Lauren. After that we packed up and spent the rest of the day out at Nana and Grandpas with lots of little cousins to play with! You were very blessed with great toys and gifts from lots of family and friends. You are one loved little boy.

Fun Fact: You love to be worn. Yes, at 9 months old we still wear you around the house in the BJorn carrier at least once a day. When you are restless it really is the only thing that will calm you down. I'm hoping that you don't get much larger or that you learn to fall asleep a different way because at this point I'm not sure how much longer you will fit in this thing (or how much longer I will be able to hold you up!) :)
Length: 31 in
(Your stats didn't change...)

Likes: Peek a boo! We say "where's Ellis?" and you stop everything to put your head down and "hide" and then pop up to say "there he is!" You think it's hilarious. You are right. You also have started paying attention to the TV. You really like Bob The Builder. It only holds your attention for about 5 minutes, but if it gets you to sit still for 5 minutes, we will take it! You also love Stanley. You get so excited when you see him walk by and want to "pat pat" him all the time!

Dislikes: Getting your diaper changed. Getting your clothes changed. Pretty much anything that makes you sit still. You don't like to stay in one place. You don't like your new carseat either. Once you are in and settled, its okay, but getting you in and settled is not easy. Again, I think it's being you are being forced to be still for a moment.

Milestones: We have a crawler!! You have quickly gone from "scooting" around to full out crawling. And crawling FAST! On the hardwood you do more of an army crawl but as soon as you get on the carpet you get those knees up under you. It's pretty fun to watch you learn and explore.

You are also pulling up on things. The problem is that you don't hold on. You pull up and then just rest yourself against the object. And you have no balance at all, so as soon as you pull up and let go, you fall. I see lots of bumps and bruises in your future. Your dad says that is what comes with being a boy.

Still eating only purees. We do yogurt bites on occasion, but they are so hit or miss that we don't risk it very often. Puffs are a big no no. We are attempting to thicken up your food, but it's really not working well.
Naps are still great! Sleeping at night however, is not so much. For the past 2-3 weeks you have been up at least once a night. You can go back to sleeping through the night anytime you'd like :)
The best news of the month...No more helmet!! You graduated from the helmet on New Years Eve. You were down to 8mm and your dad and I decided that it was time to be done! You had outgrown the helmet and they were going to have to make a new one and start over. The Drs agreed that your head looked amazing and there was no reason to start a new helmet! It's been off for about 3 weeks now and I feel like it was an eternity ago. This could be another reason why your night sleep has been worse, but we will get through it.

Firsts: You (FINALLY) got your first tooth! It popped through on Dec 21st and as of January 20th, you were still working on it. That's right, still working on one tooth! It keeps getting bigger. And no more even are looking like they will come through soon. This teething thing is not going to be fun.
Christmas! Your first Christmas was definitely a fun experience. You obviously didn't understand everything going on, but you knew that there were lots of people to play with and lots of pretty paper to eat. We had "Christmas" at Grandpa Hay's house on Christmas Eve...complete with a visit from Santa! Christmas morning we were home with Grandma Lisa and Aunt Lauren. After that we packed up and spent the rest of the day out at Nana and Grandpas with lots of little cousins to play with! You were very blessed with great toys and gifts from lots of family and friends. You are one loved little boy.

Fun Fact: You love to be worn. Yes, at 9 months old we still wear you around the house in the BJorn carrier at least once a day. When you are restless it really is the only thing that will calm you down. I'm hoping that you don't get much larger or that you learn to fall asleep a different way because at this point I'm not sure how much longer you will fit in this thing (or how much longer I will be able to hold you up!) :)
Saturday, January 26, 2013
And he's off...
Took a shot at my first animated .gif today. I'm kinda in love. However, it doesn't quite capture just how crazy fast this kid is...
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
{ 8 months }
Length: 31 in
Likes: People. All you want is for someone to pay attention to you. You will play and play and play as long as someone is within eye sight. The second you are alone is a whole different story. You like rattles and shaking anything that makes noise. You love to stand. You get this look on your face and everyone knows you are soooo proud of yourself when you stand up. Oh, and splashing in the tub. Getting mama all wet is soooo funny!

Dislikes: Still not a fan of textures. We are getting better. You hate being laid down. Whether it's to get you dressed, changed your diaper, or even lay you down to take a bottle, you freak out like we are pinning you down. You get over it pretty quick, but it's not a fun trick :) You don't like when your dad or I walk by without acknowledging you. We can't walk through a room without stopping to say hi or you act like we are the meanest parents in the whole wide world. I guess stopping a moment to see you isn't so bad though.

You are scooting. Not crawling, but doing everything in your power to scoot, roll, or slide your way to get what you want.
You are back to eating on a bit of a better schedule. You still don't like the textures, but you will eat the pouches of food 2-3 times a day. You are still taking 4-5 6oz bottles a day.
You are taking great naps!! I never thought this day would come. You aren't completely regimented, but that's okay. Pretty consistently you are taking a 2 hour nap in the morning and about an hour in the afternoon. This has been great as now your mama can get more things done :)
We are making progress in the helmet! We had an appointment a few weeks ago and they said that you had gone from 15mm down to 9mm. The goal is to get you under 6mm difference. Your orthotist says that there is a good chance you will be done with the helmet by the end of the year! We have an appointment on new years eve. Your dad is beyond excited, I am not holding my breath. I guess we will wait and see!
You are back to eating on a bit of a better schedule. You still don't like the textures, but you will eat the pouches of food 2-3 times a day. You are still taking 4-5 6oz bottles a day.
You are taking great naps!! I never thought this day would come. You aren't completely regimented, but that's okay. Pretty consistently you are taking a 2 hour nap in the morning and about an hour in the afternoon. This has been great as now your mama can get more things done :)
We are making progress in the helmet! We had an appointment a few weeks ago and they said that you had gone from 15mm down to 9mm. The goal is to get you under 6mm difference. Your orthotist says that there is a good chance you will be done with the helmet by the end of the year! We have an appointment on new years eve. Your dad is beyond excited, I am not holding my breath. I guess we will wait and see!
Words - "mama!!" You said it for the first time when you were really really angry, but none the less, you said it :) And "hey!" Anytime someone walks in the room you look and say "hey!!" It's pretty cute. You also think it's hilarious when I tell you to "say mama" and you look and me and yell "dada!"
It was a bad month of sicknesses around here. It seems that you've inherited your mama's lungs. You spent most of the month on nebulizer treatments. I think we are finally over it all. Here's to hoping to a warm rest of the winter.
Fun Fact:
You really love your puppy. You will smile when he walks by and love when he sticks around long enough for you to "pet" him. Your petting involves more pulling and hitting, but we are working on it! You love listening to Andrew Peterson's "Slugs and Bugs" album in the morning with your dad. Many times I can hear him singing to you and you just cackle. You've got a pretty awesome dad.
Adventures in helmet wearing,
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