Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. For those of your unfamiliar with the idea, Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections and reveal a few moments we'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
Well for starters, it's not me who would ever complain about my husbands love for doing laundry. That's right, he likes to do laundry! If I were lucky enough to have a husband who did the laundry, then I surely wouldn't have gotten upset with him because he decided to put all of the towels in one load of laundry. It wasn't me who had to dry off with a concoction of hand towels and wash clothes and so of course it wasn't me who made sure my husband knew how ridiculous of an idea it was to wash all the towels in one load. I would never get angry over something so silly in risk that he might cease doing laundry all together...Not Me!
And speaking of laundry, I would never take the clean clothes from the dryer and rewash them just so that I wouldn't feel bad about washing my jeans alone so that I could wear them the next day. I would never re-wash clean clothes just to justify washing 1 pair of pants!
At lunch yesterday, while Bryan and I were enjoying our pizza and ranch dressing, it definitely wasn't me who some how lost grip of my fork thus throwing my hand into the pile of ranch dressing causing the largest ranch dressing disaster of 2009. Ranch everywhere. All over Bryan's face, clothes, the counter, the tables, the floors, and of course all over myself as well. Surely I couldn't have created such a mess. (My only real regret is not taking pictures...)
And it wasn't me who somehow came up with the perfect combination of silver polish and pledge any surface wipes to make Bryan's grandma's old kitchen cabinet handles shine like they were new. It was not my fault that all us cousins spent the entire evening scrubbing handles until our fingers were about to fall off...
Oh, and it surely wasn't my husband who decided to turn on the oven before checking what was inside. Don't worry, someone else had not put a tupperware in the oven and Bryan did not start a fire in the house. nope. didn't happen.
It definitely wasn't me who was glued to her computer all Thursday evening waiting for the next round of Old Navy Weekly coupons to come out! I'm not that big of a coupon clipper that I would waste my evening sitting by a computer waiting for one stinkin' coupon!
And furthermore, it wasn't me who was jumping around the room in joy as a response to finding a $50 off $100 coupon! And just as quickly it surely wasn't me whose joy turned into frustration upon finding out that I must have entered my email address into the website wrong because the never emailed the coupon to me. Seriously?? I was not so excited as to have entered my own email incorrectly thus getting nothing for my evening wasted on the computer!!! Not Me! (and I'm definitely not still bitter about it...)
Lastly, just so you know, being the prepared gal that I am, I figured out how to set this post to automatically post at 8:00am Monday morning so that I wouldn't forget my "not me monday" this week. Well upon checking my blog last night, it wasn't me who got the dates mixed up and accidentally set it to post on tuesday, not monday. Ugh, I'm not that disorganized...
What have you not done this week?!