Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. For those of your unfamiliar with the idea, Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections and reveal a few moments we'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
Well, here's a little update on what I have not been doing...
On my recent plane ride home from Texas, I was not the one to be found questioning freaking out and almost hyperventilating over every little noise and repeating "that's not normal, that's not normal, I need off, I need off..." to my friend's mother-in-law next to me on the plane. She definitely didn't suggest that I take a Zantac before I ever think of getting on a plane again. I'm not that irrational!!
I did not give in last night and decide that it was a good idea to go work out with my husband at 9:30pm. I definitely would have known that a workout would give me so much energy that I would never get to sleep. So, of course, it wasn't me who was up last night way past midnight searching for Christmas presents on Etsy because I couldn't sleep. Not me...
(yes...I am already Christmas shopping...)
And consequently, it couldn't have been me, showing off my working out skills, who did the full set of Ab workouts that my (in-shape, runner) husband does with his cross country/track teams. I didn't lay there pretending like it didn't hurt and I'm definitely not feeling it today...I'm not that competitive!
Oh, and lastly, in case you were wondering, I don't fall for all those old wives tales. So it definitely wouldn't be me who currently has a bar of soap floating around under the fitted sheet of my bed in effort to try and get rid of this darn restless leg that I have been having. I would never be so desperate as to try something that ridiculous! Not me!
So what do you say? Would you like to share what you have not been up to lately?
Thanks for the comment!! I was sad I didn't get to see you, but completely understand!! We need to catch up!! I love your Not Me Monday... as soon as I get creative enough, I'm going to try it! ;) Love ya girl!!