About giving up on my dresser dreams.
Yup. Just giving up. I don't think the perfect dresser exists. Sure, I have found a few on craigslist, but none that I would even think about paying for. People in central IL stink at selling their old crap. They get emotionally attached and think that someone else wants to pay $400 for their 20 year old broken ugly dresser. Not this chica. Ugh.
So, I'm thinking about giving up and going a new direction. Ikea has this cubical bookcase for about $70.

Imagine with me: Lay it on it's side, top it with a cool table runner and accessories, and then If I could just find a great deal on some storage baskets to fill the holes I could use them for my clothes. Perfect? "No.... you can't use a bookcase as a dresser!" "And you surely can't put your clothes in baskets." Says who? There are no "rules" to this decor game. Sew me.
Looking for some baskets like these ones at Land of Nod:
So, unless anyone out there can find me a cute antique dresser for less than $70, I'm giving up.
And in other news, I've been playing around with some rubber mat designs for my rug-redo project. I'd hate to spend any money on a mat and hate the pattern in the end, so I've found 2 mats I like and photoshopped them onto a "rug." Here are my 2 favorite options.
The first is from Crate and Barrel:(sorry for the wonky picture uploads...not sure why they are all weird sized)
And this one is from Sears:
I have the ikea bookcase you're thinking about. I LOVE it - but mine is upright attached to a desk - the desk just lays into it. I'll send you a pic if you want to see it in real life. as far as using it for a dresser - i like the idea of baskets and stuff, but maybe not for clothes that you have to get to all the time. it's pretty slick wood, and I feel like the baskets would get all slidey and fall out on you, unless you sanded down the paint or put rubber stoppers on the baskets to give it a lil more traction or something. and the nice thing about drawers is that if they're latched in, you can pull them halfway out and not have the drawer fall. one other note of caution b/c my mom made a good point once. baskets mean you have to dust all around the baskets in the bookcase too, since its not an enclosed dresser. Anyway, all that said, it would look BEAUTIFUL, i'm sure. and I really like mine, upright. :)
ReplyDeleteand your rugs look awesome. I think i like the Sears one best - smaller pattern. :) I'm loving watching your home-making skills at work! :)
We totally use this in Gavin's room, on it's side as a changing table and storage (with bins in the cubicles). It definitely has potential!