Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. For those of your unfamiliar with the idea, Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections and reveal a few moments we'd rather forget. You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
So, Here I go!
I would not even think to admit to all of my many blog readers (ha, wishful thinking),here, that some of the blogs that I follow are people that I don't even know! Or even go as far as saying that some are "friends of friends of people I don't know." Wow, that just would be wrong/borderline creepy. Not Me! I only read blogs of my personal in real life friends of course.
And this week was NOT the first time that I have been out in the sun all summer. And while enjoying that time I would never think that it was a good idea to tie my dog up to the drain pipe. I know that my dog is stronger than that drain pipe. Not me!
Oh, and when the cute little schnauzer from next door walked by, it was definitely not me who told the lady not to mind my perky pup because "he's safely tied up". And so it was definitely not me who sat and watched while Stanley took off after said Schnauzer and did this to the drain pipe (which we don't own)...No Not me!

Neither did I contemplate who I would see at church on Sunday morning trying to figure out if I could get away with wearing the same shirt 2 days in a row...and then I most definitely did NOT actually wear that shirt! Never! Not Me!
And, seriously, I would never ever be late to church because I was twittering about the drunk guy passed out in his car in the driveway across from my apartment. And of course I wouldn't then take pictures of him to send to my husband updating him on whether the guy had left or not. Not sweet innocent me. I'm a pastor's wife for crying out loud!

And it wasn't me who in an intense game of bags last night, after missing a crucial point, walked over and kicked Trager's toy lawn mower. I am not that competitive and have always been a gracious loser. Seriously, not me...

(this is not a picture of the sad lawn mower still kicked over this morning...)
And lastly, I did not talk my dad into getting a twitter account and then spend all weekend trying to explain to him how to use it. Then promote it on my blog so that he might get more than one follower. That would just be silly. Not Me!
I hope you enjoyed hearing a few of the things I usually like to forget.
You should try it yourself...
haha I loved reading this!