+++ a little hint: read all the way to the end (or scroll down if you're impatient) because there is giveaway info AND a coupon code +++
So, the BE Print Shop is now live.
When you check out the new BE Print Shop, this will be the first print that you see. This is the heartbeat behind all our new designs. We pray that these prints would be more than pretty art.
We pray that these prints encourage + inspire the young hearts in your lives to be exactly who they were created to be.
We, as parents, have to be intentional.
I designed this next set of prints specifically for my son, Ellis. When you read books on parenting, he falls into what they so kindly call the "free spirits"...which we all know is just a nice way of saying "wild child". He may be wild + crazy but he has the biggest heart. He is so full of joy that he radiates a room with his laughter. His eyes are so full of life. But I know it's a scary world. And I know how easily that childhood innocence can be stripped away. My prayer for him is to "be brave, dream big, and soar high, little one."
...And I'd love it if you prayed it over your kids as well. So, I've giving away this set of "Little One" prints. Along with my favorite pair of earrings from my friend Ashley, over at The Poppy Chain. (because who doesn't love an amazing pair of earrings?!)
If you stuck with me this long, you can now head on over to the BE Print Shop to see all of our new prints!
Oh, and all prints are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE through Sunday at Midnight with code: BUY1GET1!
a Rafflecopter giveaway